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Two Yurt River

New for 2021 -- 4 anglers maximum!

The most exclusive Float program on Kamchatka!

With the issues with transportation in 2019 we decided to consolidate our programs and not run our Two Yurt River programs for the summer. Now with 2020 Two Yurt has rested for two full seasons. What a luxury with our 49 year lease. We know that no anglers have fished Two Yurt since September of 2018. This is a river comparable to American Creek in Bristol Bay.  My 4 anglers on our Flyout Program RFA did fish the river in 2019 for three afternoon sessions. It was some of the best fishing we had all season.  In 2021 we will only take 4 anglers a week to enjoy this pristine wilderness experience.

For many years we took 6 anglers per week and it worked great, but it is better with four, better for the guests, better for the staff. We are firmly committed to the best experience for our anglers and are sure this will enhance the program.

Flowing east, the Two Yurt River drains the lake by the same name. Similar in size to Brooks Lake in Alaska, one clear distinction exists—no other people can be seen. With our 50 year EXCLUSIVE us permit only 4 anglers per week are fortunate to see this abundant fishery.

Huge runs of Sockeye and King Salmon draw the Rainbows to gorge on eggs and flesh growing to large proportions. Two Yurt combines many streams and offers every imaginable type of water, from freestone pocket water to long spring creek glides.

  • By late June the mighty King Salmon enter the river pulling Rainbow Trout up stream from both the Yelovka and Kamchatka river drainages.
  • From early July to early October, the 50 miles of river below the lake become thick with Rainbows.

Without a doubt it is the lake drain/spring creek character of the Two Yurt that supports the remarkable number of fish in this 100 mile long system.  The Two Yurt is the same approximate latitude as Prince Rupert British Columbia flowing through the Tamarac Island of Kamchatka.

In July the hatches of caddis can be so heavy they cover all the rafts to an inch thick.

Our season on the Two Yurt emphasizes fishing rather than floating.  Some of the camps are located more closely together to allow more intensive coverage of prime pieces of water.

Anglers begin and end each day at one of five permanent camps that are spaced a full day of fishing apart.

  • Each of the camps is 100% supported by cabins.
  • Three guest cabins, hot showers, flush toilets all make this for a comfortable float.
  • Each cabin has a wood stove, electricity and a comfortable bed.

All of our locations now have cabins for dining rooms.

Two Yurt Float Program

$6,995.00 per person from Petropavlovsk

Today is February 12, 2025
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    • "My second trip to the best rainbow river in the world-the lodge is a family experience-great food and staff." - Ray Snyder

    • "Best rainbow fishing in the world-and with wonderful helpful staff that took care of all of us guests." - Peter Mansfield

    • "Had a fabulous week of fishing. Loved hunting for trout under the trees with Gena. Boatmanship was awesome." - Lee Ann Ross

    • The third time fishing with you was just about perfect. Thanks for a great time." - Bill Goodridge

    • "Incredible river with a wide variety of water, hard working and very friendly guides. Complaints: None Suggestions: I’d have to make them up Memories: Many Thanks. This was an incredible experience" - Scott Heywood

    • "The best rainbow fishing on the planet. I will remember this trip always. Great food too." - Kirby Williams

    • "Thanks for a great adventure. I’d rather be here than any other fishing adventure." - Bill Weege

    • "A truly great adventure! Great fishing, spectacular setting and most of all fun. Could not have had a better time. Thanks for a first class experience." - Danny Sheldon

    • What an experience, like no other, this must be trout heaven.  The staff was excellent, top of the line.  Thanks for all of the helpful advice, sure learned a lot." - Jentry Pisca

    • "What a beautiful piece of unspoiled trout/salmon and grayling heaven. Thank you for a truly unforgettable experience, great staff and superb scenery. Absolute journey every day. A memory to be carried a lifetime." - Holly Grubiak

    • "Yesterday was the best day of fishing I have ever had. Fun and great staff" - Reg Brown

    • "Eighteen countries, countless lodges-this is the zenith. Vodka, Rainbows, Char from hell-this is the standard by which all others will be judged and found wanting." - Dave Vedder


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