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Scientists know Rainbow Trout developed on the Kamchatka Peninsula before migrating eastward to Alaska and the Pacific Northwest.

The Rainbows of Kamchatka are fortunate compared with their Alaskan brethren. Being further south with warmer weather patterns allows for a significantly larger biomass.  This food-rich aquatic environment has created a fishing mecca.  After we conducted stream samples on over 30+ rivers on Kamchatka we realized the daily insect hatches of mayflies, caddis and innumerable types of stoneflies keep these plump fish looking to the surface for food.  Golden and black stone flies, a mayfly population that is diverse and extraordinarily dense, spring and fall Beatis, Green Drakes and Pale Morning Duns name just a few.  This bug factor in conjunction with a huge salmon population accounts for the large numbers of Rainbows.

The most often asked question is "How big are the fish?"

The average Rainbow is close to 21-inches and 4 pounds, with many exceeding 24-inches and 6 pounds.  In recent seasons several over the 30-inch mark were landed.  Rainbow sizes like this are a true treasure and testament that these fish populations are exceedingly healthy.

The styles of fishing we use vary as greatly as the types of fish we catch.

At times swinging a streamer is the most productive method, but often a mouse pattern will out-produce all other techniques. One thing is certain; there is no need for heavy sink tips or leaded flies.  Consider that both of our rivers see less angling pressure in a season than virtually any quality Rainbow stream in Alaska will see on a normal weekend.  You will not catch fish missing facial parts nor will fish behave as if they were caught earlier in the day.  The Rainbows of Kamchatka are aggressive, often chasing your mouse patterns right to your feet.  There is absolutely no need to fish plastic beads. Our entire season we fish with real flies, Mouse patterns, streamers and dries on floating lines with heavy leaders.

Each day on the Ozernaya River you and your guide have over 15 jet-boatable miles of Rainbow infested water to enjoy. 

Floating the Two Yurt River between stationary lodges you will fish arguably some of the world’s most beautiful river miles. Whether at Two Yurt or the Ozernaya our style of fishing is wading-oriented, although other types can be easily accommodated. If you do not feel comfortable wade fishing, you can easily and successfully enjoy angling from the boat

Our fishing program is designed with conservation for the future in mind.  We practice strict catch and release for all Rainbow Trout.

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    • "What a beautiful piece of unspoiled trout/salmon and grayling heaven. Thank you for a truly unforgettable experience, great staff and superb scenery. Absolute journey every day. A memory to be carried a lifetime." - Holly Grubiak

    • "The best rainbow fishing on the planet. I will remember this trip always. Great food too." - Kirby Williams

    • "My second trip to the best rainbow river in the world-the lodge is a family experience-great food and staff." - Ray Snyder

    • "A truly great adventure! Great fishing, spectacular setting and most of all fun. Could not have had a better time. Thanks for a first class experience." - Danny Sheldon

    • "Thanks for a great adventure. I’d rather be here than any other fishing adventure." - Bill Weege

    • "Incredible river with a wide variety of water, hard working and very friendly guides. Complaints: None Suggestions: I’d have to make them up Memories: Many Thanks. This was an incredible experience" - Scott Heywood

    • What an experience, like no other, this must be trout heaven.  The staff was excellent, top of the line.  Thanks for all of the helpful advice, sure learned a lot." - Jentry Pisca

    • "Had a fabulous week of fishing. Loved hunting for trout under the trees with Gena. Boatmanship was awesome." - Lee Ann Ross

    • The third time fishing with you was just about perfect. Thanks for a great time." - Bill Goodridge

    • "Yesterday was the best day of fishing I have ever had. Fun and great staff" - Reg Brown

    • "Eighteen countries, countless lodges-this is the zenith. Vodka, Rainbows, Char from hell-this is the standard by which all others will be judged and found wanting." - Dave Vedder

    • "Best rainbow fishing in the world-and with wonderful helpful staff that took care of all of us guests." - Peter Mansfield


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